1. Label variables as either Primitive vs. Reference

Javascript considers most data types to be ‘primitive', these data types are immutable, and are passed by value. The more complex data types: Array and Object are mutable, are considered ‘reference' data types, and are passed by reference.

  • Boolean — Primitive
  • Null — Primitive
  • Undefined — Primitive
  • Number — Primitive
  • String — Primitive
  • Array — Reference
  • Object — Reference
  • Function — Reference

2. Identify when to use . vs [] when accessing values of an object

    let obj = {"one": 1,"two": 2};// Choose the square brackets property accessor when the property name is determined at// runtime, or if the property name is not a valid identifierlet myKey = "one";
    console.log(obj[myKey]);// Choose the dot property accessor when the property name is known ahead of time.

3. Write an object literal with a variable key using interpolation`js

    let keyName = "two";// If the key is not known, you can use an alternative `[]` syntax for// object initialization onlylet obj2 = {[keyName]: 2}

4. Use the obj[key] !== undefined pattern to check if a given variable that contains a key exists in an object`js

    function  doesKeyExist(obj, key) {// obj[key] !== undefined// or:return key in obj;}```js

    let course = {bootcamp: 'Lambda',course: 'Bootcamp Prep'}
    console.log(doesKeyExist(course, 'course')); // => true
    console.log(doesKeyExist(course, 'name')); // => false

5. Utilize Object`.keys and Object.values in a function`js

    function  printKeys(object) {return Object.keys(object);}```js

    function  printValues(object) {return Object.values(object);}

    console.log(printKeys({dog: "Strelka",dog2: "Belka"}));
    console.log(printValues({dog: "Strelka",dog2: "Belka"}));

6. Iterate through an object using a for in loop`js

    let player = {name: "Sergey",skill: "hockey"};for (let key in player) {
        console.log(key, player[key]);}


7. Define a function that utilizes …rest syntax to accept an arbitrary number of arguments`js

    function  restSum(...otherNums) {let sum = 0;
        otherNums.forEach(function(num) {
            sum += num;});return sum;}

    console.log(restSum(3, 5, 6)); // => 14
    console.log(restSum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); // => 45
    console.log(restSum(0)); // => 0

8. Use …spread syntax for Object literals and Array literals`js

    let numArray = [1, 2, 3];let moreNums = [...numArray, 4, 5, 6]


    let shoe = {color: "red",size: 10};let newShoe = {...shoe,brand: "Nike",size: 12};
    newShoe.color = "black";


9. Destructure an array to reference specific elements`js

    let arr = ['one', 'two', 'three'];```js

    let [first] = arr;

10. Destructure an object to reference specific values`js

    let me = {name: "Ian",instruments: ['bass', 'synth', 'guitar'],siblings: {brothers: ['Alistair'],sisters: ['Meghan']}}```js

    let {
        name,instruments: musical_instruments,siblings: {
        }} = me;


11. Write a function that accepts a string as an argument and returns an object representing the count of each character in the array`js

    function  charCount(inputString) {let res = inputString.split("").reduce(function(accum, el) {if (el in accum) {
                accum[el] = accum[el] + 1;} else {
                accum[el] = 1;}return accum;}, {})return res;}
