JavaScript Examples

Hello World

function output(t) {
    document.write('<p>' + t + '</p>');}alert('Hello, World!');
console.log('Hello, World!');output('Hello, World!');
  • Variables
var num = 1; // {1}
num = 3; // {2}var price = 1.5; // {3}var myName = 'Packt'; // {4}var trueValue = true; // {5}var nullVar = null; // {6}var und; // {7}

console.log('num: ' + num);
console.log('myName: ' + myName);
console.log('trueValue: ' + trueValue);
console.log('price: ' + price);
console.log('nullVar: ' + nullVar);
console.log('und: ' + und);// ******* Variable Scopevar myVariable = 'global';
myOtherVariable = 'global';function myFunction() {var myVariable = 'local';return myVariable;}function myOtherFunction() {
    myOtherVariable = 'local';return myOtherVariable;}

console.log(myVariable); //{1}
console.log(myFunction()); //{2}

console.log(myOtherVariable); //{3}
console.log(myOtherFunction()); //{4}
console.log(myOtherVariable); //{5}
  • Arithmetic operators
let num = 0; // {1}
console.log('num value is ' + num);

num = num + 2;
console.log('New num value is ' + num);

num = num * 3;
console.log('New num value is ' + num);

num = num / 2;
console.log('New num value is ' + num);


console.log('New num value is ' + num);

console.log('num mod 2 value is ' + (num % 2));/* Assignment operators */
num += 1;
num -= 2;
num *= 3;
num /= 2;
num %= 3;

console.log('New num value is ' + num);/* Assignment operators */
console.log('num == 1 : ' + (num == 1));
console.log('num === 1 : ' + (num === 1));
console.log('num != 1 : ' + (num != 1));
console.log('num > 1 : ' + (num > 1));
console.log('num < 1 : ' + (num < 1));
console.log('num >= 1 : ' + (num >= 1));
console.log('num <= 1 : ' + (num <= 1));/* Logical operators */
console.log('true && false : ' + (true && false));
console.log('true || false : ' + (true || false));
console.log('!true : ' + !true);/* Bitwise operators */
console.log('5 & 1:', 5 & 1); // same as 0101 & 0001 (result 0001 / 1)
console.log('5 | 1:', 5 | 1); // same as 0101 | 0001 (result 0101 / 5)
console.log('~ 5:', ~5); // same as ~0101 (result 1010 / 10)
console.log('5 ^ 1:', 5 ^ 1); // same as 0101 ^ 0001 (result 0100 / 4)
console.log('5 << 1:', 5 << 1); // same as 0101 << 1 (result 1010 / 10)
console.log('5 >> 1:', 5 >> 1); // same as 0101 >> 1 (result 0010 / 2)/* typeOf */
console.log('typeof num:', typeof num);
console.log('typeof Packt:', typeof 'Packt');
console.log('typeof true:', typeof true);
console.log('typeof [1,2,3]:', typeof [1, 2, 3]);
console.log('typeof {name:John}:', typeof { name: 'John' });/* delete */let myObj = { name: 'John', age: 21 };delete myObj.age;
console.log(myObj); // Object {name: "John"}
  • Truthy & Falsey
function testTruthy(val) {return val ? console.log('truthy') : console.log('falsy');}testTruthy(true); // truetestTruthy(false); // falsetestTruthy(new Boolean(false)); // true (object is always true)testTruthy(''); // falsetestTruthy('a'); // truetestTruthy('Packt'); // truetestTruthy(new String('')); // true (object is always true)testTruthy(1); // truetestTruthy(-1); // truetestTruthy(NaN); // falsetestTruthy(new Number(NaN)); // true (object is always true)testTruthy({}); // true (object is always true)let obj = { name: 'John' };testTruthy(obj); // truetestTruthy(; // truetestTruthy(obj.age); // false (property is undefined)
  • Equals Operator:
console.log('packt' ? true : false);// outputs true

console.log('packt' == true);// 1 - converts Boolean using toNumber// 'packt' == 1// 2 - converts String using toNumber// NaN == 1// outputs false

console.log('packt' == false);// 1 - converts Boolean using toNumber// 'packt' == 0// 2 - converts String using toNumber// NaN == 0// outputs false

console.log([0] == true);// 1 - converts Boolean using toNumber// [0] == 1// 2 - converts Object using toPrimitive// 2.1 - [0].valueOf() is not primitive// 2.2 - [0].toString is 0// 0 == 1// outputs false//* ****************************** ===
console.log('packt' === true); // false

console.log('packt' === 'packt'); // truelet person1 = { name: 'John' };let person2 = { name: 'John' };
console.log(person1 === person2); // false, different objects
  • :

/* Example 01 - if */let num = 1;if (num === 1) {
    console.log('num is equal to 1');}/* Example 02 - if-else */let num = 0;if (num === 1) {
    console.log('num is equal to 1');} else {
    console.log('num is not equal to 1, the value of num is ' + num);}/* Example 03 - if-else-if-else... */let month = 5;if (month === 1) {
    console.log('January');} else if (month === 2) {
    console.log('February');} else if (month === 3) {
    console.log('March');} else {
    console.log('Month is not January, February or March');}/* Example 04 - switch */let month = 5;switch (month) {case 1:
        console.log('January');break;case 2:
        console.log('February');break;case 3:
        console.log('Month is not January, February or March');}/* Example 05 - ternary operator - if..else */if (num === 1) {
    num--;} else {
    num++;}// is the same as
num === 1 ? num-- : num++;
  • Loops
console.log('**** for example ****');/* for - example */for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

console.log('**** while example ****');/* while - example */let i = 0;while (i < 10) {

console.log('**** do-while example ****');/* do-while - example */let i = 0;do {
    i++;} while (i < 10);
  • Functions:
function sayHello() {
    console.log('Hello!');}sayHello();/* function with parameter */function output(text) {
    console.log(text);}output('Hello!');output('Hello!', 'Other text');output();/* function using the return statement */function sum(num1, num2) {return num1 + num2;}let result = sum(1, 2);output(result);
  • Object Orientation:
/* Object example 1 */let obj = new Object();/* Object example 2 */let obj = {};

obj = {name: {first: 'Gandalf',last: 'the Grey'},address: 'Middle Earth'};/* Object example 3 */function Book(title, pages, isbn) {this.title = title;this.pages = pages;this.isbn = isbn;this.printIsbn = function () {
        console.log(this.isbn);};}let book = new Book('title', 'pag', 'isbn');

console.log(book.title); // outputs the book title

book.title = 'new title'; // update the value of the book title

console.log(book.title); // outputs the updated valueBook.prototype.printTitle = function () {


  • Let & Const:
//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): let and const keywords//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): let is the new var ( framework = 'Angular';var framework = 'React';
console.log(framework);let language = 'JavaScript!'; // {1}// let language = 'Ruby!'; // {2} - throws error
console.log(language);//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): const ( PI = 3.141593;// PI = 3.0; //throws error
console.log(PI);const jsFramework = {name: 'Angular'}; = 'React';// error, cannot reassign object reference/*
jsFramework = {
  name: 'Vue'
  • 11-ES2015-ES6-variableScope:

//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): variables scope ( movie = 'Lord of the Rings'; // {1}// let movie = 'Batman v Superman'; //throws error, variable movie already declaredfunction starWarsFan() {const movie = 'Star Wars'; // {2}return movie;}function marvelFan() {
    movie = 'The Avengers'; // {3}return movie;}function blizzardFan() {const isFan = true;let phrase = 'Warcraft'; // {4}
    console.log('Before if: ' + phrase);if (isFan) {let phrase = 'initial text'; // {5}
        phrase = 'For the Horde!'; // {6}
        console.log('Inside if: ' + phrase);}
    phrase = 'For the Alliance!'; // {7}
    console.log('After if: ' + phrase);}

console.log(movie); // {8}
console.log(starWarsFan()); // {9}
console.log(marvelFan()); // {10}
console.log(movie); // {11}blizzardFan(); // {12}// output// Lord of the Rings// Star Wars// The Avengers// The Avengers// Before if: Warcraft// Inside if: For the Horde!// After if: For the Alliance!
  • String Templates:
//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): Template literals ( book = {name: 'Learning JavaScript DataStructures and Algorithms'};

console.log('You are reading ' + + '.,\n	and this is a new line\n	and so is this.');

console.log(`You are reading ${}.,
   and this is a new line
    and so is this.`);
  • Arrow Functions:
//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): arrow functions ( circleAreaES5 = function circleArea(r) {var PI = 3.14;var area = PI * r * r;return area;};
console.log(circleAreaES5(2));const circleArea = (r) => {// {1}const PI = 3.14;const area = PI * r * r;return area;};
console.log(circleArea(2));const circleArea2 = (r) => 3.14 * r * r;
console.log(circleArea2(2));const hello = () => console.log('hello!');hello();
  • Parameter Handlers:
//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): Default Parameter Values ( sum(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3) {return x + y + z;}
console.log(sum(4, 2)); // outputs 9// function above is the same asfunction sum2(x, y, z) {if (x === undefined) x = 1;if (y === undefined) y = 2;if (z === undefined) z = 3;return x + y + z;}
console.log(sum2(4, 2)); // outputs 9// orfunction sum3() {var x = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;var y = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 2;var z = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 3;return x + y + z;}
console.log(sum3(4, 2)); // outputs 9//* ****** EcmaScript 6: spread operator ('...') ( params = [3, 4, 5];
console.log(sum(...params)); // ES2015
console.log(sum.apply(undefined, params)); // ES5let numbers = [1, 2, ...params]; // pushing values into array
console.log(numbers);//* ****** EcmaScript 6: rest parameter ('...') ( restParamaterFunction(x, y, ...a) {return (x + y) * a.length;}
console.log(restParamaterFunction(1, 2, 'hello', true, 7)); // outputs 9;// code above is the same as ES5:function restParamaterFunction2(x, y) {var a =, 2);return (x + y) * a.length;}
console.log(restParamaterFunction2(1, 2, 'hello', true, 7));
  • Destructuring Assignment
//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): Destructuring Assignment + Property Shorthand ( )let [x, y] = ['a', 'b'];let obj = { x, y };
console.log(obj); // { x: "a", y: "b" }// swap ([x, y] = [y, x];var temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;// code above is the same asvar x2 = 'a';var y2 = 'b';var obj2 = { x2: x2, y2: y2 };
console.log(obj2); // { x: "a", y: "b" }// Method Properties ( hello = {name: 'abcdef',printHello() {
console.log(hello.printHello());// code above is the same as:var hello2 = {name: 'abcdef',printHello: function printHello() {
  • Classes & More:
//* ****** EcmaScript 2015 (ES6): classes ( Book {constructor(title, pages, isbn) {this.title = title;this.pages = pages;this.isbn = isbn;}printIsbn() {
        console.log(this.isbn);}}let book = new Book('title', 'pag', 'isbn');

console.log(book.title); // outputs the book title

book.title = 'new title'; // update the value of the book title

console.log(book.title); // outputs the book title// inheritance ( ITBook extends Book {// {1}constructor(title, pages, isbn, technology) {super(title, pages, isbn); // {2} = technology;}printTechnology() {
        console.log(;}}let jsBook = new ITBook('Learning JS Algorithms', '200', '1234567890', 'JavaScript');

console.log(jsBook.printTechnology());// getter and setters ( Person {constructor(name) {this._name = name; // {1}}get name() {// {2}return this._name;}set name(value) {// {3}this._name = value;}}let lotrChar = new Person('Frodo');
console.log(; // {4} = 'Gandalf'; // {5}
lotrChar._name = 'Sam'; // {6}
console.log(;// using symbols for private atributesvar _name = Symbol();class Person2 {constructor(name) {this[_name] = name;}get name() {return this[_name];}set name(value) {this[_name] = value;}}let lotrChar2 = new Person2('Frodo');
console.log(; = 'Gandalf';



export default class Book {constructor(title) {this.title = title;}printTitle() {
        console.log(this.title);}}export const circleArea = (r) => 3.14 * r ** 2;export const squareArea = (s) => s * s;// export { circleArea, squareArea }; // {1}export { circleArea as circle, squareArea as square };const area = require('./lib/17-CalcArea');const Book = require('./lib/17-Book');

console.log(area.square(2));const myBook = new Book('some title');
myBook.printTitle();/* Different way of importing the module  */// import * as area from './17-CalcArea';// import Book from './17-Book';import * as area from './17-CalcArea.js'; // we need the .js to run this code in the browserimport Book from './17-Book.js';

console.log(area.square(2));const myBook = new Book('some title');
myBook.printTitle();//* ****** EcmaScript 2016 (ES7): Exponentiation operator ( r = 2;const area = 3.14 * r * r;const area2 = 3.14 * Math.pow(r, 2);const area3 = 3.14 * r ** 2;
